How to clean beeswax off a table, clothes, candle holders and other smooth surface

- Allow the wax to cool completely (Trying to wipe or scrape it up before it has cooled may cause it to smear).
- Pick up any large chunks of loose wax and then gently scrape remaining wax up with a plastic scraper. Using an old plastic card from your wallet works well too.
- Wipe up remaining wax residue.
Getting beeswax out of fabric:
If you spill on fabric, place the item in the freezer until it hardens and you can chip it off. You can also cover both sides of the fabric with paper towel and press a warm iron over the spill and repeat until the wax is absorbed.
Cleaning candle holders:
To remove the leftover tab and wax from glass votive and tealight cups we are big fans of what we have affectionately dubbed the “freeze and whack” method. Simply freeze the cup for a few hours and then use an old butter knife to firmly tap the metal tab on the bottom of the cup. It should pop out in a satisfying way along with any leftover wax. Wash the cup with warm soapy water.
The easiest way to remove beeswax from your holder is to place it in the freezer for a few hours. Once removed from the freezer simply chip the wax off and wash with warm soapy water. Always burn candles on or in appropriate holders.